Saturday, April 11, 2009

The first one

Hello anyone. This is my first, and somewhat tenuous, venture into the blogosphere. I enter here with trepidation because it seems like everyone has a blog or blogs, so it is not very novel or noticeable to have one. In addition, by having a blog, I am supporting something that (I think) legitimizes poorly conceived ideas and bad writing (including mine) by allowing them to be posted. On top of all this, I don't read other peoples' blogs (even the good ones) very often at all, so I feel pretty hypocritical creating one and expecting people to read it. But, I read on a website somewhere that artists who want to get attention should have a blog. So here I am. I don't get to paint too often, so I probably won't post too often. But I will when I can.

Here is one picture I did a few weeks ago after I went to listen to N.T. Wright (Bishop of Durham and New Testament scholar) in Pasadena. He spoke on virtue. I was struck by his steadfast opposition to "subjectivism" and I imagined him fighting a big, subjective dragon. I tried to portray what I imagined. Kierkegaard is the dark, obscure figure in the foreground, although you can't really tell by looking at him. As the philosophical father of existentialism and a Christian, I thought he deserved a place in the scene. The writing on the lower right is from T.S. Eliot's "Murder in the Cathedral." Wright's dogged opposition to a popular, and (if you agree with him) dangerous, viewpoint reminded me of Thomas's opposition to the King in a strange sort of way.


  1. Well i am thinking its time for you to blog some more :)

  2. you "read on a website somewhere" ??? you mean your sister told you?
